Social Media Policy

Phillipsburg Free Public Library

Adopted 9/5/13

The Phillipsburg free Public Library recognizes that social media applications encourage a new type of communication with library users and the community. The Library will use social media sites to enhance the promotion of Library services, news, programs and emergency and weather related closings. Through these online venues, the Library staff can reach out and interact with current and potential library users.

The social media sites created by the Phillipsburg Library must be approved by the Library Director. The Director or designee will monitor posted content to ensure compliance with this policy. The PFPL social media sites will be linked to the Library website.


When representing PFPL on social media, the staff should:

  • Demonstrate a professional and courteous manner
  • Uphold patron privacy
  • Be accurate


PFPL welcomes comments and posts from the community and recognizes and respects differences of opinion. However the Phillipsburg Free Public Library reserves the right to monitor and review for content and relevancy. The Library will delete all comments or postings that contain any of the following:

  • Obscene or racist content
  • Personal attacks, harassment or threatening language
  • Personal information or request for personal information
  • Copyrighted material posted without permission
  • Commercial promotions or spam

Comments and reviews may be removed after a period of time.
