Phillipsburg Free Public Library
Adopted June 4, 1998;
Amended Nov. 6, 2003, Sept. 8, 2005 , Sept.3, 2009 , Nov. 2, 2017, Feb. 1, 2018
I. Community Room Policy
Acceptable Uses – The Community Room of the Phillipsburg Free Public Library is open free of charge to nonprofit organizations engaged in educational, cultural, intellectual or charitable activities. Phillipsburg Free Public Library does not advocate or endorse the viewpoints of Community Room users.
No admission fee may be charged, nor any collections of money taken. The only exceptions are in the case of pre-paid registration necessary to cover expenses for one- or two-day institutes, held in cooperation with the Library by nonprofit civic or governmental organizations, or payment of fees for non-credit adult education courses regularly conducted by nonprofit educational institutions. In either case, special permission must be obtained from the Library Director.
Groups may meet only during regular Library hours. The group should plan to vacate the Community Room at least ten minutes before closing time. In unusual circumstances, an exception may be made by the Library Director, subject to a fee to cover the cost of paid staff time.
It is the responsibility of the group using the room to arrange the furniture and then return the chairs and tables to their original location. The group may bring and serve light refreshments. The group is responsible for cleaning up after use and for any damage to the room or equipment. Use of the Community Room includes use of such facilities and equipment as projectors, tables, chairs, sink and countertop. Having or using any alcohol or tobacco products in the Community Room or anywhere else on Library premises is prohibited.
Reservations – In fairness to the numerous groups in the community, the Library cannot accept reservations for any series of meetings which would designate the Library as the regular meeting place for the organization. The Community Room may be reserved no earlier than three months and no later than seven days before the date of the meeting. An officer of the group (an adult over 18 years of age) must complete a reservation form. No reservation shall be considered final until approved in writing by the Library Director or his/her designate. Library-sponsored activities shall have priority at all times. See attached Reservation Form.
II. Quiet Study Room Policy
Acceptable Uses – The Library provides this room free of charge for the use of adult individuals or small groups (8 persons or less) who need to converse without disturbing others, or who need quiet. The room is located in the Reference Department, and the use of it is at the discretion of the Reference Librarian on duty.
- No admission fee can be charged nor any collection of money taken by the
- When demand exceeds availability, preference will be given to educational, research, career development and other needs over recreational
- Use is limited to two hours per day per individual/group.
- Neither groups nor individuals may book the room for any series of meetings or uses.
- Library-sponsored activities shall have priority at all
The user must return to the Reference Desk and notify the Reference Librarian on duty when finished. The user is responsible for any damage to the room and its furnishings during his/her/their use.
Reservations – The Library staff are responsible for establishing procedures governing reservation of the Quiet Study Room. The Library Director will develop the procedures to ensure fair and reasonable use of the room for all our patrons. The procedures will be posted in the Library.
Conduct and Public Safety – PFPL Patron Conduct Policy applies. Users may not exceed the posted capacity of the room (8). In the event that Library alarms sound, all persons must leave the building immediately, taking only their personal belongings.
III. Children’s Story Room