Phillipsburg Free Public Library
Adopted February 1st, 2001
Revised May 3, 2001; May 6, 2004; January 5, 2006; February 7, 2013; March 6, 2014; March 4, 2016; February 2, 2017; June 7, 2018
Use of Materials
The Phillipsburg Free Public Library makes all of its materials available for reference and research within the library building. Any orderly person appearing in the building will be extended this service.
Internet-Based Services
Any person may search the Phillipsburg Free Public Library catalog. Some areas of the catalog may be accessed only by valid registered borrowers. Use of online resources licensed to the library via the Internet may also be restricted to valid registered borrowers.
Free Borrowing Privileges
The following may register without fee upon presenting adequate identification:*
- Any person residing within the Town of Phillipsburg
- Any faculty member employed by an education system within the Town of Phillipsburg
- Any person employed by the Town of Phillipsburg
- Any person who owns property within the Town of Phillipsburg or within one of the townships served by the library, upon presentation of a current property tax bill in their name.
- Phillipsburg High School students residing in the boroughs of Alpha or Bloomsbury are eligible for a free library card with a one-year expiration, renewable annually as long as they present a current-year high school ID.*
*Adequate Identification is defined as bearing the applicant’s name and current street address. If the ID presented lacks one of these elements, a second form of ID is required.
Nonresident Fees
Any person not eligible for a free card may apply for borrowing privileges subject to payment of fees. Fees are reviewed annually by the Board of Trustees. Any change in fees will take effect in January of the year following Board resolution.
Schedule of Nonresident fees
Individual $50.00 per year (prorated)
$15.00 per quarter
Materials Subject to Borrowing
Any item may be borrowed so long as it is not required in the building for reference or research purposes, unsuitable for lending by reason of its age, rarity, size or condition, or otherwise restricted by deed or gift. Video formats may be borrowed only by adults and students (9th grade age or older). Students may be required to present high school identification cards.
Borrowing Limits
Overall limit: no more than 50 items out at a time per card. At the discretion of the Library Director, PFPL may temporarily limit the number of items of a certain type that may be borrowed per card, or may limit the length of the loan. This may apply to titles, subjects, or items in a specified format or collection.
Loan Periods (shown below in the format: item, loan period, renewals)
Material Type Loan Period Renewal*
- Book, 21 days, twice
- Audio Books, 21 days, twice
- Magazines**, 21 days, twice
- Music Recordings, 21 days, twice
- Video formats, 7 days, twice
- Reference materials: discretion of Library Director
*Materials that have been reserved by another patron will not be renewed.
**No more than 5 issues per magazine title may be borrowed per card
Overdue Materials
Late fee of $1.00 per day for each DVD up to a maximum of $5.00
Late fee of ten cents per day for each item up to a maximum of $3.00 (applies to all materials except DVDs).
No late fees are charged for any material from the Children’s Department (except video formats).
Lost or Damaged Materials
Library card-holders are responsible for all materials borrowed on their cards. Special charges may be assessed for damaged material. At the discretion of the Library Director, replacement cost may be charged for materials returned in an unusable condition. Replacement cost (material plus administrative) will be charged for lost materials.
Library Director may revoke borrowing privileges in cases of persistent or extensive abuse of the Materials Lending Policy.
Reserves may be placed at no charge on books, audio books, music recordings and DVDs in the circulating collection or on order.
Interlibrary Loans
PFPL will attempt to borrow materials for valid registered borrowers through state or national interlibrary loan networks, subject to state and ALA guidelines without a fee. However, any cost which may be imposed by the lending library is the responsibility of the patron.PFPL will make every attempt to inform the patron of any such cost and receive his/her authorization before completing the ILL request. The card-holder is responsible for any loss, damage or late fees assessed by the lender.
Copying of Materials
Copies of materials owned by the library may be made, subject to Fair Use and Copyright laws. Printouts from the Internet may be made, subject to Fair Use, Copyright and any other applicable laws.