Library Patron Conduct Policy

Phillipsburg Free Public Library

Adopted November 2, 2000; revised 4/3, 11/6/03; 5/6/, 9/2, 10/7/04; 6/7/18; 6/4/20

All persons are welcome to use the library and its facilities and information resources during regularly scheduled hours. In order to protect the rights of all library patrons and the safety of library staff members, and in accord with relevant Phillipsburg Town ordinances, the Library Board of Trustees has adopted the following Rules of Patron Conduct:
Patrons shall be engaged in activities associated with the use of a public library while on Library premises. These include reading, studying, accessing information from electronic sources, and attending library-sponsored programs or other meetings which adhere to Library Meeting Room Policies and Procedures. Patrons using the internet shall abide by the PFPL Internet Use Policy. Patrons shall respect the rights of other patrons, and shall not disturb, harass or annoy other patrons or library employees.
  • Food, alcohol, tobacco products. Capped beverages permitted.
  • Weapons (exception: local, Warren County, State and Federal Officers)
  • Animals (exception: Service Dogs covered by A.D.A.)


  • Disturbing patrons or staff by making loud noises (talking, singing, arguing), following, or intruding on others
  • Playing audio equipment so that others can hear it
  • Running or jumping
  • Climbing on furnishings or fixtures
  • Using cellular phones in any room other than the lobby
  • Any illegal activity
  • Fighting or challenging others to fight
  • Being under the influence of alcohol or drugs
  • Defacing, marring or altering library materials, property, equipment or computer systems
  • Interfering with library staff in the performance of their duties
  • Leaving a child unattended in the library without the supervision of an adult
  • Sleeping
  • Having bodily hygiene so offensive as to constitute a nuisance to others
  • Being in the library without a shirt or without footwear
  • Willful exposure of private parts
  • Displaying images deemed inappropriate to a library setting
  • Verbally abusing or threatening library staff or other library patrons
  • Failing to follow staff instructions on health and safety procedures, including but not limited to social distancing, the wearing of protective masks, and the use of hand sanitizer.
INFRACTIONS OF THESE RULES that do not require the intervention of law enforcement officers will be dealt with by a library staff member, with the assistance of another staff member.
  • Patrons in possession of prohibited items, or who are behaving in a prohibited manner, will be asked to cease the infraction.
  • Patrons who do not cease the infraction when asked to do so by a staff member may be required to leave the building; denied the use of the library’s materials or equipment; and/or banned from re-entering the library for a period of time.
  • Patrons who disagree with these actions may request a hearing with the Library Director.
INFRACTIONS which, in the judgment of a library staff member, pose a threat to the safety of staff or patrons, or which may be illegal, must be reported to the Phillipsburg Police Department. Patrons who have been required to leave the building and refuse to do so will also be reported to the Phillipsburg Police Department.
ALL LIBRARY PATRONS, including those attending library-sponsored programs or meetings held by outside groups, must leave the premises at closing time. Patrons who require assistance to return home, such as minors or disabled adults, and who remain on the premises after closing time, may be referred to the Phillipsburg Police Department in order to assure their safety.