Due to the upcoming Friends of PFPL Annual Book Sale, the last day the library will accept book donations is Friday, April 12. We will resume accepting donations on Monday, May 13.
Phillipsburg Library appreciates the many people who wish to support their community library by donating books, movies and other materials. Please note the following guidelines for donating items:
Donations are added to the Library’s collection if they meet the same standards as those required of purchased materials. Most donations are not added to the collection, but are sold by the Friends of the Library to fund special Library projects and services. Material judged not suitable for the collection or for the Friends book sale are discarded. The guidelines for donating materials are as follows:
We accept:
- Hardcover and paperback books for children, teens and adults
- Contemporary and classic fiction
- Popular nonfiction such as cookbooks, biographies, history
- Audiobooks on CD
- DVD movies
- Music CDs
We cannot accept:
- Books in poor condition (stained, yellowed, moldy, torn)
- Encyclopedias
- Textbooks
- Readers Digest condensed books
- Outdated reference books
- Books discarded by other libraries
- Abridged audio books
- Audio cassettes and VHS tapes
Donations must be delivered to the Library when we are open and may not be left outside the door or placed in our book drops. If you have more than two boxes of books, please call ahead to make sure we can accommodate the donation. Due to space constraints, we may need to decline donations from time to time.
The Library will, upon request of the donor, provide a receipt for donated items, but cannot assign a value to donated materials. Once accepted, donations are property of the Library and cannot be returned to the donor.